Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

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No Legs

162 words on

There's no wrong way
to fuck a girl with no legs,
just tell her you love her
as she's crawling away.

There's no wrong way
to fuck a bitch with no face/faith (?),
now you'll never be sad again.

Loving you are the two best things
in a world that's skipping town.
Reaching blind into the deepest mouth
in the brownest place around.

There's something amiss
in her cum stained lips
so I get the first kiss
before she takes the last bite.

Genital outlaws
in a positive way
and in everything bagel too.

Getting strangled
by the junkie priest,
as the boys get stoned in school.

There's a knock at your door
and your parents come in -
they thought you were a different girl.

So if you're alone
when your parents aren't home,
and no-one can see
your incestuous tree.

No need to contain
what the sparrows can say,
now you'll never be sad again.

Adam Green, No Legs

July 28, 2003, 21:49

Tagged as adam green.


Comment by Amanda: User icon

adam greene is the shit…this song, i believe embodies the modern female psyche and characterizes the “new age” female as liberated and strong

but low… i have a face and legs

May 4, 2004, 3:46

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