Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

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165 words

When phoning Jörg yesterday, we touched zillions of topics, including Wittgenstein, because of the song Wittgenstein sagt and the bible. I only have the second part of the latter, probably because there's too much violence in the first part.

Somehow we tried to find passages from one source and try to fool the other one into believing it's from the other one. But we didn't succeed once. The topics are quite different in many places, of course. But even where they overlap the style is still vastly different. Still a funny thing to do. Any further test submission are welcome. With so many sentences some are bound to be similar. The actual reason for the comparison was the structural similarity that both books have a very thorough numbering of paragraphs and even sentences, by the way.

Fun catching up on the old testament (and the new) can be had at the brick testament. Photographed bible scenes done in Lego. Good photography, and excellent Lego.

September 1, 2003, 21:47

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