Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

« Elegant UniverseMainMeaningless »

Oh my god, we’re back again!

116 words

Not that many people have missed our site – but let me proudly announce that it is back online now, if your DNS server is quick. So full function should be restored within the next day or so when the new DNS records have propagated globally.

For those who actually missed our site and these pages in particular, thanks a lot for your patience and sticking with us. We hope that our server will be more reliable with the new provider. Our outage has been for around a fortnight and I made a few posts in the meantime – many of which may be a bit outdated by now.

The earliest post you 'missed' was this one.

February 29, 2004, 18:21


Trackback “Music To My Lists” from freeform goodness:

Sven-S. Porst is back on the map after too long away. In honor of the occasion, I’ll webjack one of the posts he made during his server’s time wandering the woods.

March 1, 2004, 16:04

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