Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

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446 words

April 6, 2004, 20:25


Comment by Nicholas Riley: User icon

How do people read three digit numbers of subscriptions? I have around 40 and already consider it messy at times.

I read my 132 subscriptions in about an hour and a half a day. Today, that was 10-11 AM and 7:30-8 PM. Seems pretty reasonable to me. I now have my blog-reading computer permanently located at home, where I am not present very often; I find this is a much better use of my time than reading stories 1-2 at a time as they come in, like email.

And yeah, that’s eaten into time I’d otherwise use to post to my blog. My research has been a blast recently, which is good, but rather time-consuming.

April 7, 2004, 3:10

Comment by ssp: User icon

Of course bulk reading is more efficient - and it is probably good practice to shut the aggregator (and e-mail) down while working…

I still find that it takes a lot of time and often posts lead to links which lead to other links which’ll make me write a blurb on something myself which’ll cost a lot of time in the end.

The other point I observed in myself is that I tend to skim over things very superficially when there is a large backlog of posts in my aggregator. I am not sure whether this is just good filtering or whether I may not be doing justice to the effort that people may have put into their posts. (Not that I owe them or anything, but where’s the point in reading what people write if you don’t care about it?)

April 11, 2004, 15:07

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