Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

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Not too bad

218 words

So this morning I could play the UPS waiting game… trying to be around when their van came around to pick up our old network bridge. After negotiation on the phone I managed to convince them to come over within a generous 6 hour span. Down from six hours which was their first suggestion. Needless to say that they came in the last of those four hours.

Anyway, things worked out nicely, the UPS guy picked up our old network bridge and already had the new one with him. Which we eagerly tried immediately. At least we can see the network again now. But it still doesn’t really work. Perhaps a wrong setting or something, I don’t really know. In addition I start suspecting that the whole thing is going to stop working soon as the university seems to be changing over from the old school WLAN plus Cisco’s VPN client to using the mysterious 802.1X. Now OSX seems to have software for that but that doesn’t help as apparently the bridge needs to be able to handle this – which ours can’t. So there are even more network worries ahead. Perhaps it’d be worth getting DSL after all to avoid worries of that sort. But it’d definitely be more expensive and less cool, well, less geeky anyway.

January 21, 2005, 16:37

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