Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

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What’s in a name?

147 words

Names are curious things. There are so many of them and but there are yet more people, so names are unlikely to be unique. Of course you can google your own name, but you can also google others’ names. That isn’t too much fun, though. I found it’s much more entertaining to just search for first names on Flickr. You’ll be reminded that there are loads of people with your own name. In various shapes and colours, of various ages, differently dressed, inside and outside, in crappy cameraphone shots and in nicely lit black and white photos, single portraits and people with their friends, shots while doing sports and shots while going out, at night and at daytime, people doing silly things and – of course – people who are kittens.

Keep track of the most recent Svens. Or just look for your own selves:

December 3, 2006, 19:12

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