Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

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127 words

So we had this total lunar eclipse and it was completely cloudy here. All I could see was a shimmer of the moon through the clouds before things actually started happening.

I would have loved to take some photos, had packed a tripod and the 500mm and wandered around to find a spot with reasonably little light – ending up in a park between some trees and tombstones. Once I was there, in the dark in the relative quiet of the middle of the night – hiding in the dark and hearing people pass by on the paths fifty metres further, seeing their shapes in the lights of the paths I felt a bit like stalker. Might have been an ‘interesting’ situation if they had spotted me…

March 4, 2007, 2:44


Comment by d.w.: User icon

Guy in a darkened park with a tripod and a huge lens— heh, interesting indeed. :)

March 5, 2007, 17:24

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