Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

« Apple TVMainEarth Addresser »


148 words

At school I learned writing English in the British way. So it’s ‘centre’ and ‘colour’ for me instead of ‘center’ and ‘color’, even though there are words in German like the somewhat colloquial ‘Kinocenter’ or ‘kolorieren’ which may be closer to the American spelling. Spending time in South Africa and England certainly played a role as well.

But still, just as everybody else, I am able to understand an tolerate the American spelling. And thus I was amused when finding the following while playing Google Earth’s address finding capabilities: Google’s address seems to be at Amphitheater Parkway, which is what they write as a return address on their mail and which looks like perfectly good American spelling to me. Yet, entering that address into Google Earth or Google Maps doesn’t give the desired result. You need to type Amphitheatre Parkway to get what you were looking for. Odd.

Google's digital address on screen vs that printed on their mail

March 29, 2007, 0:04

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