Quarter Life Crisis
The world according to Sven-S. Porst
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493 words on Food
It’s cold outside and I need nice food. But I couldn’t make up my mind about what I wanted. So I went to the supermarket anyway and luckily the butchery there had Rouladen on offer. Which sparked a little plan to make those which I quickly discussed with my parents videoconferencing in from the U.S. It turned out that our traditional recipe for making them is coming from the So schmeckts besser cookbook as well. And it’s also a fantastic example for how bad the book’s index is as you won’t find any ‘Rouladen’ in there but you’ll have to look for ‘Rinder-Rouladen’ (beef Rouladen).
Of course Knödel go naturally well with Rouladen. But I never even considered making them myself in the past. Both because many Knödel variants are made of potatoes and I am a total potato refusenik (heck, if other people can refuse whole ranges of food like fish or meat, I’ll be allowed to refuse potatoes… particularly as, unlike many other people, I even have a very good reason for not eating potatoes: I dislike the taste). And because it’s supposed to be a lot of work. But after chatting with Antonio (random Italian guy I ‘know’ from the internets) who just moved to England and is living there with people from Germany who made Knödel, I thought Well, I can do that as well
. Add to that that I recently flipped through my cookbooks to check how they are bound and how that affects their usablity - a bit of pointless geekery our French bookbinder friend Benjamin pointed me to - and found a recipe for Serviettenknödel there (heh, I always have to be punny when seeing that name and think if Kartoffelknödel are made of potatoes, and Semmelknödel are made from bread rolls then Serviettenknödel need to be made from napkins; but somehow it always turns out they are made in napkins instead; while generally being quite a clever language, German has its flaws as well…).
Now it turns out that you can make Serviettenknödel from loads of breadrolls and even more eggs. Plus butter, of course! I can say now that mixing egg-yolk with butter is a splendidly creamy and quite probably seriously unhealthy affair. But totally worth it after you wasted loads of energy to boil the damn thing for an hour. Enough time for a chat with Ronald over in Canada and with Konni in Bavaria, who could help out with advice on cooking the (green) beans: not a long time but possibly longer than you expect as the beans themselves may cool down the water you throw them into.
And after all those excursions around the world, the mind, and the kitchen, I eventually had dinner. In fact, I used the final time of the cooking to make another Biskuitrolle - upping my egg-count for the day to 10. I promise I won’t consume all the resultant goodness in one go.
I guess you can argue nothing is really random once you start thinking about it.
Damn, I lost a good chance to use an interrobang.
Exactly my thought when I saw your comment!
Oh, really‽
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