278 words
When leaving the department yesterday night, I noticed that some complete tw*t must have considered it funny to remove the valves from a couple of bikes' tires. My bike was among those bikes and this was exactly what I needed after having spent until eleven preparing a mini-presentation of a section of a book that I had to give this morning and was looking forward to going out a little before heading home. This increased the time I needed to get home a lot (I managed to finish listening to Between Love and Hate before being home listening to Room on Fire instead of getting to Automatic Stop as I usually would have).
Anyway, the one or two hours I was out were quite good:meeting some of my flatmate's friends – not my own, sadly – and having some nice music topped off with The Pixies' Debaser, which inarguably must be one of the best songs ever. Interestingly Debaser's perceived speed depends on my mood. Yesterday it was fast and 'just right'. Saved my day.
Got me a movie
I want you to know;
Slicing up eyeballs
I want you to know;
Girlie so groovy
I want you to know.
Don't know about you
but (:I am un
chien andalusia. :4x)
Wanna grow
Up to be
Be a debaser, debaser…
Got me a movie
Ha ha ha ho;
Slicing up eyeballs
Ha ha ha ho;
Girlie so groovie
Ha ha ha ho.
Don't know about you
But (: I am un
chien andalusia: 4x)
Debaser…Pixies, Debaser
Trivia: At our Party last year, I played both Debaser as music and Un chien andalou on the telly.
Oh - ist mir nie aufgefallen, obwohl ich Pixies-Fan bin. Man müsste halt besser englisch können.