A website on understanding France that looks quite ugly but is interesting to read nontheless.
Chris Clark thinks about touch screens. Hm, I'm split on that topic. While generally I am all in favour of touch screens as they allow for more direct manipulation and I even think that if there is a company that'll put enough effort into engineering this to actually 'feel' good – as they did with the mouse, I am not sure that you actually sit close enough to the screen for most work you do to make this worthwhile. And if you are – you may want to get an external keyboard or your back will suffer. Also, there'll be fingerprints galore…
Reliably, John Gruber comes up with a in depth review of Omniweb 5 beta, which I didn't. Interesting points I missed so far: Good AppleScript support, the ability to actually search the contents of your history. He also points out once more what cannot be stressed enough: In mostly text based applications, the vertical screen dimension is much more precious than its horizontal cousin – making a strong point for OmniWeb and against anything MSOffice.
As we know, the Finder has a quasi-smart 'natural order' sorting algorithm as can be seen in the top part of the screenshot. So what happens when you insert an Audio CD. Well, it opens a window displaying all the tracks. While the window isn't set to 'always order by name‘, the contents of the window are sortet. But they are sorted, 'unnaturally, in the usual stupid computer way. Glance at the bottom part of the image and imagine the missing parts to see what I mean.
PithHelmet has been updated to maintain our sanity in Safari 1.2 as well.