Quarter Life Crisis
The world according to Sven-S. Porst
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« Oh my god, we’re back again! • Main • Does poultry count as meat? »
305 words
Niemand außer Amerika würde seine Feinde so behandeln.
Oh, well.
[...] Rising mental illness seems an inescapable consequence of the kind of rapid, disruptive change driven by market capitalism. It's not that people have gone soft so much as that they are profoundly disorientated by the ceaseless discontinuity of change. Experience becomes utterly random and meaningless. [...]
Re:comment in the Guardian.
I stumbled across a couple of psychiatrists at a conference in the States, and our conversation turned to ‘The Pressure of Civilisation’. They pointed me to this study as an example of what one of them called a ‘psychological allergy’.
I can already see some right wing people use this to tell the Mexicans to stay ‘where they belong’ for health and safety reasons.
This year (2004), the Mexicans are friends of the right-wingers, since it’s an election year and Hispanics are a large voting block, particularly in California, Texas, and Florida. They’ll be back to hating them in 2005, though.