The world according to Sven-S. Porst
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159 words
As initiated by G, here comes – most likely another – round of menu bar gazing. My menu bar looks like this:
You see there – from left to right –:
- iScrobbler – the little application that fills my audioscrobbler profile.
- iChat – displaying and setting my status without needing to open the application.
- iSync – for quickly updating the contacts on my iPod.
- Screens – for dealing with secondary screens as they are attached and removed.
- Volume – for seeing the currently set volume.
- Battery.
- Input menu – to see and set the current keyboard layout, and for quick access to the character palette and international preferences.
- Time – no date.
- Exposé ‘F11’ hot spot.
And that’s it. I like it small, clean and with few colours. iSync would be the first item to go if I had to choose one.
If you’re a Mac person, go and do your little bit of exhibitionism. Now.
October 14, 2004, 14:11