Quarter Life Crisis

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Rechnungs Checker 1.0.8

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Rechnungs Checker icon. Unfortunately another update to Rechnungs Checker became necessary. Somehow a glitch sneaked into the application’s ‘Info.plist’ file when I merged the Spotlight plugin into its bundle. And that glitch prevented the app from opening any files with raw data downloaded from the internet. Only Rechnungs Checker’s own files could be opened.

In part I’d like to blame this problem on the fact that when dealing with file types, you’ll have to keep two strings in sync: One in the application’s CFBundleDocumentTypes list of the application’s ‘Info.plist’ file that specifies the file type and another one in the application’s code where exactly the same string must be specified if you open different file types with the same document class and want to distinguish them.

The new UTExportedTypeDeclarations list in the ‘Info.plist’ file seems to do about the same job as the first list I mentioned but it’s not quite clear to me yet to which degree the different strings have to match one another. – I made sure that all of them are equal now, just to be on the safe side.

To prevent such mistakes in the future, I wonder whether there are any built-in tools that let you use the same centrally defined strings for all files of your project.

May 24, 2005, 22:41

Tagged as earthlingsoft, Rechnungs Checker.

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