Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

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192 words

Whenever I come home from work, there are guys in front of our lovely Neues Rathaus with their skateboards. They ‘hang out’ and try to ride the boards. There are even small ‘thingies’ installed sot they can try doing some fanypants tricks. Good fun, I assume.

This weekend they had a special skateboarding festival just there. And to pimp it properly, they managed to get a card wreck there which they could abuse.

car wreck

It looks like the car wreck was provided by Recycling Hampe. While I never had anything to do with them, they are a remarkable company. Not only does their tower of car wrecks right next to the A7 give you a friendly welcome to Göttingen, they also have what must be the bestest local business cinema commercial ever. It has existed for years and years, it has cheesy music and it’s extremely good for such a spot. Pretty much the only commercial I’m ever looking forward to. And some great people nasty pirates seem to have put it on the YouTubes (admittedly the company themselves provide the video as well, but that just sounds less dramatic). Yay!

August 3, 2009, 0:27

Tagged as göttingen, recycling.

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