Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

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371 words

Yesterday Rechnungs Checker application iconwe actually released a beta version of Rechnungs Checker, the new application for analysing phone bills. Although I tend to think it sucks due to all those extra click-through pages these days, we advertised it on Versiontracker and got over 300 downloads in less than a day. This is quite amazing, considering that it's only a beta version and that it's aimed at a very small audience: It's only in German at this stage and it will only work for Deutsche Telekom Online phone bills. I start to suspect that some people just download first and ask later.

What quite annoyed me was that the Versiontracker editors changed the text I submitted as a short description from

analyses itemised phone bills


Analyzes online Deutsche Telekom phone bills.

It might have been cheeky to not mention Deutsche Telekom right away but our web page and long description is quite clear that the program may be limited to those phone bills now, but that we should be able to easily extend the import part to accomodate different formats. What really upset me, though, was the americanisation of the spelling.

Another remarkable thing was the first review we got. It's not quite clear to us what it means. We figured that Sprint is a phone carrier. May Rechnungs Checker just happen to work with it as well? That would be cool. And it wouldn't be a big deal to add an English localisation in that case. Unfortunately the reviewer didn't leave an e-mail address.

Also, this afternoon some guy from a German Mac magazine called at my place saying they wanted to list the app in their next issue and asking for more information - not bad for a one-day-old. My flatmates were a bit confused, though.

Oh, Rechnungs Checker application icon, scaled downand the Icon still sucks - particularly at small sizes. I already have a better idea, but fiddling with all the icon apps, getting the masks about right and everything isn't too much fun in my opinion. I know there should be special icons for the smaller sizes and I hate applications that don't have them - but given my graphics skills I'll have to have my own apps as well, I fear.

January 6, 2003, 22:09

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