Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

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166 words

I just booked a flight to Birmingham for the course on algebraic geometry that I am going to attend in September – the same sort of course I enjoyed attended last year.

This meant I had to visit Lufthansa's website. I have bitched about that web site before and will continue to do so if necessary. While I knew many traps of the site already this times around, there are still problems like expired sessions, the fact that there seems to be no other way to enter credit card information than adding it to your 'profile' – and no way to get back to the flight you want to book after entering that information. Forms without any obvious submit buttons – luckily hitting the return key did the trick and, most annoyingly, the final page of the booking process with the book this flight for me irrevocably now button, that doesn't display your itinerary.

I tend to be scared by these things. And annoyed.

August 20, 2003, 10:09

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