Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

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253 words

Just an idea we stumbled across the other day: If people are medical doctors, psychologists or lawyers they can open practices. If you have a problem that they can helpful with, you go there, they help you. (And you pay them shitloads of money – but that's not going to be the point today.)

Surely, people have all kinds of other problems that need professional solving as well. Problems that require logical reasoning, optimisation or just a few computations? Why not see a mathematician? Trouble getting your English grammar right? Why not see a linguist? Not enough problems to keep yourself entertained? Why not see a philosopher? Amazon's recommendations not good enough for you to decide what to read? Why not see a liter-ist?

Apologies for the silly word in the last one. But you get the idea. There are many highly trained people around and many people who could actually do with their help in their area of expertise. Still many of those people will have to work as taxi drivers or consultants; Both jobs which can be exciting without doubt, but not quite the same as working right in your area of expertise.

This could be a way of not wasting a lot of training that is done by universities, help the practitioners of those areas to get interesting jobs and even give people new perspective on how to have problems solved.

I'm not claiming this is very well though out. But I do see at least a little potential here.

September 23, 2003, 21:58


Comment by Nevyn: User icon

This is a GREAT idea! So cool… “Hey, coming to the mathematician’s after school today? Got this nasty equation to solve, thought you might want to see him ” — or her — “balance it that /cool/ way” ;)

Wouldn’t it be “literatist”? :P

September 24, 2003, 22:08

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