Quarter Life Crisis

The world according to Sven-S. Porst

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Intel Stickers

256 words

Last week many people in the Apple-universe mocked the reporter who ‘dared’ to ask why Apple don’t use Intel Inside stickers on their machines.

Of course that’s a bit of a stupid question. Ugliness comes to mind immediately. As does the urge to ask every computer company which does use those stickers why exactly they do it. And of course the fact that thou shalt not have any technology beside Apple’s. Or so.

On the other hand I thought this was a very amusing question. With a company like Apple whose public statements are tighly controlled you wouldn’t expect to learn anything interesting from such a press event. If Apple want you to know stuff, they’ll surely put it in a press release or let Goatberg know or whatever and if they don’t want you to know things, they have quite a good track record of not telling you. So it seems that those press events mainly serve the ‘reporters’ who can’t read or the egos of the people answering the question.

And from that point of view, I thought that asking about Intel stickers was one of the most amusing things people could do. It revealed about as much information as any other question would have. But it had the benefit of potentially pissing of Mr Jobs and seeing how well he handles such silly questions.

So while my negative side just thought Idiot reporter, no news there, my positive side – which exists – keeps hoping that it’s just a carefully plotted prank.

August 12, 2007, 0:36

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